

"Boychukism" by Hvrenja is an electronic photograph collage of a ticket to Boychukism Great Style Project Art Exhibition In Mystetskyi Arsenal and it's consequences. Also known as Бойчукизм or Бойчукізм. Electronic photograph collage depicts a composition of a ticket to Mystetskyi Arsenal Art Exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project. Also depicted: black radish, celery, ginger, parsnip, kohlrabi and the ligth source with a corner of the carpet.

Зображення містить квиток на виставку в Мистецькому Арсеналі: Бойчукізм. Проект великого стилю. Зображення являє собою коллаж електронних фотографій композиції квитка з чорною редькою, селерою, імбиром, пастернаком, кольрабі та джерелом світла і краєм клилима. Також можна побачити частини графічних работ автора і чисті аркуші паперу, на яких вистроєна вся композиція.

Нижче можна ознайомитись з вибраними роботами напрямку, що я сфотографував їх на виставці в Мистецькому Арсеналі. Бойчукізм. Проект великого стилю. І що він надихнув мене на створення цієї композиції. Треба сподіватися, - не останньої. Пізніше, можливо, тут буде додано інформації більше. Але графічна складова, що вона зображає більшу частину робіт, які презентовані на виставці "Бойчукізм. Проект Великого Стилю." залишиться, скоріше за все, незмінною...

...Опинившись 1908 року в Парижi — столиці тодішнього мистецького життя Європи — М. Бойчук в оригіналах вивчає творчість Сезанна, Ренуара, ознайомлюється з Пікассо. Ці майстри остаточно ствердили його сумніви щодо академічної рутини офіційної школи. Вони приваблюють його аналізом художньої культури сучасного й минулого, а також простого й виразного мистецтва примітиву. Разом з тим Бойчука не захоплюють індивідуалістські, роз'єднані формальні пошуки. Саме в Парижi у нього «виникла думка зробити мистецтво добром, надбанням народних мас». М.Бойчук замислюється над вагою колективності в мистецтві (йшлося не лише про колективність сприймання, щоб твори стали колективною власністю, а й про колективну творчість). Так він прийшов до ідеї монументалізму.
Своїх послідовників, а потім і учнів Бойчук переконував:

Не бійтеся втратити свою індивідуальність. Хто краще Працює, до того приглядайтесь. Не треба боятись запозичувати у іншого, треба намагатися зробити краще. Індивідуальність сама виявиться, коли майстер визріє.

Група митців, так званих «бойчукістів», що утворилася під його началом (Микола Касперович, Софія Бодуен-де-Куртене, Софія Налепинська), свідомо пішли на авторське самозречення, працюючи колективно...

Непідписані роботи, що це є дуже багато роботи, яку автор залишає зацікавленому читачеві на власний розсуд, таким чином, знаходять, так чи інакше, своє місце в контексті цієї концепції...

Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Great Style Project.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.

Photo of a painting from exhibition: Boychukism. Great Style Project.
Boychukism. Project of the “Great style”.